Live music while at a restaurant is a next level experience!
Take in the music. Ask yourself why you prefer the Cafe with live music in Delhi that you enjoy going to. Does the environment and the employees play a role in it, or is it only the food? No matter how delicious the cuisine or drinks are, chances are you won't return to a location if you feel uneasy there. Uncomfortable feelings are comparable to stress responses, which cause your body to go into flight or fight mode. Even if the food tastes wonderful, if your mind is on an unpleasant thought, you won't likely even appreciate it. People like to go to cafes where there is a live band in Delhi occasionally and where the ambiance is pleasant. You get to sample a variety of music without it being overly expensive. Getting drunk may also cause you to start dancing. Pick the best. There is a staircase that leads to The Piano Clubs, where there are several open tables and a stage that is just an elevation with lots of drama and gloomy lighting that’s why it is the best ...